Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Becoming a Healthier You!

In my last blog post, I told you about an eCourse that my friend Deborah Francis and I were writing. Well....We are done with the eCourse and ready to get it into your hands,so that you are empowered to become a healthier you! Check out the video below and we will see you in the Becoming a Healthier you Community!

Follow the blog today at

Cheers to you Health!


Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Healthy Planet Magazine Natural Living Expo 2012

The Healthy Planet Magazine Natural Living Expo October 14, 2012
Every year I look forward to attending the Healthy Planet Magazine Health Expo. In fact, I am a reader of the Healthy Planet Magazine and look forward reading all of the holistic health articles in the Magazine every month.

At this years event, I was ready to meet some natural health professionals, learn something new and share some great natural health resources with you. I have uploaded some pictures from the Healthy Planet expo along with links to the websites of the vendors for your information.

As a Writer, I am always compelled to visit the table of writers and that is just what I did as I entered the expo. I stopped by the table of Christine Kniffen, LCSW, the Author of the book, The Art of Relating. If you are having relationship troubles or want to improve how you relate to others, check out Christine's website, I picked up copy for only $15 and I can hardly wait to read it! Just in case you are wondering, what relationship problems have to do with natural health; I must add that toxic relationships, can lead to poor health. This is why it is vital that you work through relationship issues.

The Art of Relating Book by Christine Kniffen, LCSW

Aroma Therapy....Ahhhhhh! I could hardly wait to talk to the ladies at this table and smell the aroma therapy oils. Essential oils can be used for a variety ailments including: depression, headaches, diabetes, blood pressure, as a disinfectant and so much more. Moreover, when I stopped by the table, one of the ladies gave me a very informative introduction about essential oils and I was compelled to take her card and invite you to visit her website. So be sure to check out Sandy Rausch (independent Distrbutor) website at At this vendors table; I learned that I can add lemon essential oils to my laundry and dish water as an added disinfectant!

Young Living Essential Oils

I believe every woman at the expo stopped by this table to talk to these wonderful ladies. These ladies are representatives of Medical Thermography of Metro St.Louis. Furthermore, The company's mission is to increase a woman's chance of detecting breast cancer in its early stages with Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI).

(DITI) Is a 15-minute non invasive test of physiology that indicates early stages of breast disease. Also, the ladies shared with me that there is a supplement that women could take to prevent breast cancer and it is called: Protective Breast Formula.  Moreover, I was told that I must check out Dr. Christine Horner's Book, Waking the Warrior Goddess ( A Book That Gives Your Strategies to Protect women against  breast cancer)

Medical Thermography of Metro St.Louis Inc

These are photos of me claiming my complimentary screening of my spine, conducted by Dr. Matthew Stralka, DC of Creve Coeur, MO. 

Completing my free health assessment

Dr. Stralka, reviewed my health history and share information with me about my health just by looking at my was Amazing! In fact, Dr. Stralka believes that a Healthy spine helps to create a happy healthy life! You must check out his website today! 

My Discovery: What every you do not release from your spirit, will manifest in your body!
My free health assessment of my spine and stress assessment

Traveling Tea was serving up some delicious tea! There was a variety of flavors and the tea is very affordable. Study shows that drinking tea is great for your overall health and it is vital that you acquire a taste for tea..because your health depends on it. Be sure to check out their website at

Traveling Tea

The Sierra Club is America's oldest, largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization. Their purpose is to explore, enjoy and protect the wild places of the earth!  Moreover, I was quite impressed at their dedication to assuring that we have healthier air quality, because if we have healthier air; we have healthier bodies.

Check out the Sierra Club at and subscribe to their Free eNewsletter!

I hope that you have found the information that I have shared with you to be quite helpful. Most of all, be sure to check out the Healthy Planet Magazine, it is an awesom Natural Living Magazine!

With Natural Health in mind,

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

How to Make Delicious Sweet Tea at Home

As I am shopping for my home or business on a weekly basis, I have a really crazy habit of buying sweet green or raspeberry tea from the local store. In fact, every time I go to the store; I get thristy I and I choose tea!

The only problem with that is the fact that most teas that you buy from the local store contains High  Fructose Corn syrup. This is why I have decided to make my own sweet tea at home or buy my teas only from the health food market.

Today I am going to share with you a quick, easy and healthy way to make your own delicious and sweet tea at home.

1. Purchase your tea bags from your local whole foods store, prefably organic tea: green, white, chamomile,etc.

2. Boil hot water in a tea kettle on the stove or use a stainless steel pot to boil your water in.

3. Add your tea bag(s) to the cup, pour the hot water over the tea bag, add (liquid agave sweetner) and 2 slices of lemon and enjoy!

If you want to make tea for later, make several cups, wait until the tea cools down and pour in a jug that you can drink from later. This will save you lots of money and it's cheaper to buy the tea bags by the box. Moreover, you are no longer  drinking a can of tea that is loaded with artificial sweetners; you are sweetening up your favorite tea with a plant based sweetener!

I look forward to reading your thoughts about this post!

To Health & Wellness,

Monday, September 24, 2012

21-Days To A Healthier You!

Are you ready to live a healthier life? Need more healthier food choices? Are you stressed most of the time? Do you have a fitness plan?

If you answered "Yes" to any of the questions above, it's time to become a healthier you! I am currently writing a 21-Day eCourse with my good friend Deborah Francis, the Author of "The Joy of Healthy Living."

Deborah and I felt that it was time that we joined forces to share healthy eating tips from her book; share my Natural Relaxation tips that I have been blogging about for the last 3-years and to share a simple fitness plan that almost anyone can fit into their daily schedule.

Here is an overview of the first 14-days of the eCourse: 

The Joy of Healthy Eating
According to Health Wise, Healthy eating will help you get the right balance of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. It will help you feel your best and have plenty of energy. It can help you handle stress better.

Day 1- The benefits of Eating Apples
Day 2- The Power of Blueberries
Day 3- Boost your Energy and so much more with Bananas
Day 4- Build a Healthy Heart and Fight Cancer with Tomatoes
Day 5- The Joy of Eating Kale
Day 6-The Super Nutrient- Kidney Beans
Day 7-The Benefits of Garlic

7 Days to Relaxation the Natural Way

“Excessive stress on a long term basis can make you obese and unhealthy, says Dr. Don Colbert, author of, “The Seven Pillars of Health.” In fact, too much stress can cause memory loss, increase your blood pressure; raise cortisol levels (stress hormones) in your body and many other health problems. This is why it is vital that you relax more!

Day 1- Massage Therapy
Day 2- Relax with a cup of Chamomile Tea
Day 3-The Power of classical music
Day 4-Meditate the stress away
Day 5-Aromatherapy
Day 6- Yoga
Day 7- Deep breathing

For more information about the eCourse, be sure to join the Natural Living 101 email list!
The Course is almost complete and we look forward to sharing it with you!

To Your Health & Wellness,
Shiketa Morgan

Connect with Deborah Francis on Facebook! Deborah's book is also featured on the Natural Living 101 blog, check it out!!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Turn off The Central Air Conditioning Unit and Open The Windows

As my Grandmother used to tell me...turn off the air and let in God's Fresh Air...

I was inspired to write this blog post, because my Air Conditioning unit stopped working (one day prior to writing this post) and we were forced to open the windows in our home. The temperature outdoors was in the high 70's, however, it was humid outdoors and my daughter began to tell my husband how hot it was in the house. This is when I realized how much we were depending on Air Conditioning.

After the windows were open for about 30 minutes, the temperature in our home was much cooler. In fact, it was great sleeping with the windows open verses chilling our bodies with the Air Conditioning unit. Today I want to share with you the benefits of opening your windows and letting in fresh air. Also, I will share with you negative effects that Air Conditioning can have on the body.

The benefits of opening your windows and letting in Fresh air.
According to Natural Health Restored, "A steady supply of fresh air is very important. Fresh air provides you with a steady supply of oxygen which is needed by your brain and every single cell of your body. If you stay in a closed in area for a long period of time, you will end up breathing in the same air over and over again. The oxygen content of the air will go down continually as you (and whoever else happens to be in the room with you) breathe out carbon dioxide and other wastes."
  •  Removes odors in your home
  •  It is refreshing and will give you a lift
  •  Helps the airways of your lungs to dilate more fully and improves the cleansing action of your lungs
  •  Alters your brain levels of serotonin which helps to improve your mood and promote a sense of happiness and well-being
  •  Strengthens your immune system by supplying it with the oxygen it needs. White blood cells require more oxygen when working to kill and destroy bacteria, viruses, and germs. Enough oxygen will ensure that they are able to function properly
For more tips on the benefits of breathing fresh air, visit the Natural Health Restored Blog .

Negative effects that Air Conditioning can have on the body.
 I am not saying that on an extremely hot day, that I will not turn on my Air conditioning, however I want to point out to you that spending too much time in an Air Conditioning building or home does have negative effects on the body and they are as follows:
  • Indoor Air Contamination
  • Spreads Disease
  • Can Cause Workplace illness 
  • Central air conditioning units, according to the EPA, can spread indoor pollutants such as bacteria, molds, mildew, viruses, pollen and animal dander.

Be sure to open those windows and let in God's Fresh Air!

With your Health/Wellness in mind,

Friday, August 31, 2012

A Spiritual Solution to a Healthy Body

 As I was reading the book, There's a Spiritual Solution to every problem by Dr. Wayne Dyer; I discovered a life changing paragraph. I  could hardly wait to share it with you, because I believe that it will give you a Vigorous, Loving, Healthy and Positive mindset about your body and Dr. Dyer wrote:

"I want to say unequivocally that the intelligence that inhabits your body will become whatever you project it to be. It will create a healthy or a sickly body depending on how you decide to use your mind. If you want a truly healthy body, and the ability to sow pardon in the face of any kind of injury, you must first heal your mind with unconditional love and recognize that your body is a firmly entrenched instrument of spirit make your mind vigorously, loving, healthy and positive and your body will respond accordingly."

Wow! This inspired me to not be so obsessive about the food that I eat, however, be more focused on  the state of my mind. What about you? I look forward to reading your thoughts about this post.

With Your Health & Wellness in mind,

Join me in reading this Life Changing Book

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The "Natural" Power of Crystals

I was recently in the Earth Bound Store at a Local Mall and I spotted a plastic pouch that contained some crystal and the Word "Energy" was at the top of the plastic pouch.

Moreover, I was a little skeptical about a piece of crystal lifting my energy and at the same time, I was compelled to try it. The instruction on the packet was simple and it read: simply soak the crystals in salt water, allow your crystals to sit outdoors to soak up energy from the sun and hold them in your hand.

So....I decided to buy the crystals!  Immediately after opening the crystals, I rinsed them, sat the Crystals on a table in my sun room for 15-minutes and I held them in my hands for several minutes. My mood was immediately lifted and my hands even had a smooth feel.

The day that I wrote this blog post, I decided to do some more research on the power of crystals and here are some of the sites that I found:

Charging Crystals
The Crystal Site
Healing Crystals for you
Crystal energy healing

I look forward to reading your thoughts about this blog post. Most of all, I would like to know how you have increased your energy with the power of crystals.

With your Health in Mind,
Natural Living 101

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Future Of Well Being by Deepak Chopra

As a global leader and pioneer in the field of mind-body medicine, Chopra transforms the way the world views physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social wellness.


Saturday, June 30, 2012

Detoxify Your Body With a Trader Joes Whole Body Cleanse

Trader Joes is my favorite places to shop for whole foods, health supplements, herbs and for natural products. In fact, I shop at Trader Joes everyweek to assure that I am buying healthy foods for my family.

 On a recent trip to my local Trader Joes, I was compelled to buy a Whole Body Cleanse, because I was feeling sluggish and tired. So, I decided to purchase a Trader Joes Whole Body Cleanse!

 Today I am going to share with you the benefits of doing a whole body cleans so that your body is operating at a optimal level of health.

Why Cleanse?
A whole body cleanse supports the body's ability to decrease toxins from external sources such as; synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, artificial hormones and processed foods. Also The Trader Joes Whole Body Cleanse supports detoxification for the entire body including the intestines, liver, gall bladder, lymph, blood and digestive systems.

What does the Trader Joes Whole Body Cleanse Contain?

  • A Fiber blend for safe effective cleansing
  • A Soothing Herbal blend to promote healthy and comfortable bowel cleansing
  • A Liver Liver Formula to aid in eliminating toxins and support liver function

 How To Eat and Foods To Avoid While Taking a Whole Body Cleanse

  • Eat small healthy and balanced meals while detoxifying your body
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Try to reduce the intake of processed foods, simple carbohydrates, beef, pork and dairy
  • Also avoid  caffeine, alcohol, sugar and potatoes along with artificial sweeteners
Are you ready to restore your energy and feel your best? Try detoxing your body with a whole body cleanse today. Check out this review that I found online about the Trader Joes Whole Body Cleanse, click here.

With Your Health in mind,

Sunday, June 24, 2012

How to Cure That "Belly" Fat

According to the July 9, 2012 edition of the First For Women Magazine, " Increasingly, eateries are whetting guests' appetites by packing their dishes with extra sugar, which can set off a chain reaction that leads to belly fat."

I must say that I agree 100% with that statement above. In fact, several weeks prior to writing this blog post, I decided to try a new green apple tea that was sold at a local gas station. That tea was so delicious, however, I noticed that I was started to gain some extra belly fat after one week of drinking 32 ounces of the green apple tea everyday on my lunch break.

Then, I discovered why I was gaining that extra belly fat after reading, Jorge Cruise Article in the First For Women Magazine. In the article, Cruise listed examples of foods that were "belly bad" and foods that were "belly good." I was quite surprised to discover that by simply choosing foods that are lower in sugar grams; you will shed pounds and lose that excess belly fat.

Jorge Cruise is the author of The Belly Fat Cure and has found that a diet low in simple carbs or low in sugar can help women lose as much as 4 to 9 pounds of belly fat a week.

I've already started reducing the number of carbs that I ingest on a daily basis. In fact,  after reading Cruise's article, I now choose unsweetened teas or diet lemonade when I am dining out.

I once heard one of my favorite doctors (Don Colbert) say that, "Belly fat can lead to diabetes and it is bad for your overall health. In fact, Dr. Colbert Colbert also said (while speaking at my church) that you can tell how healthy an individual is by looking at their waist size.

Are you ready to lose that belly fat? Be sure to  Order The belly Fat Cure Today and Visit Jorge Cruise Website today! Join his email list and download your Free Menu.

To Your Health,

Sunday, June 17, 2012

10 Reasons to Drink Carrot Juice

  Photo Credit: Healthy Foods

Start drinking this amazing juice on a regular basis 
and you just might have a healthier body.
~Carmen T Wilson

 I was recently shopping for some grape fruit juice at the local Trader Joes store, I discovered a quart of Carrot Juice. I immediately picked up the quart of carrot juice, because I know how beneficial that carrots are in your everyday diet. In fact, my goal is to drink more 100% juices to detoxify my body and studies show that carrot juice is one of the healthiest life style choices.

If you are like me and do not like the taste of Carrot juice, here is a simple way to sweetened the juice: add some orange juice or freshly squeezed lemonade to help make the drink more enjoyable.

In this blog post, I will be sharing with you 10 health benefits of drinking carrot juice and they are as follows:

  1. Loaded with Vitamin A, E, B and many minerals
  2. Helps to reduce the risks of many different types of cancers including skin and breast cancer, along with helping to eliminate cancer-causing free radicals in the body.
  3.  Strengthens the bones, teeth, nails and hair
  4. Extremely beneficial for the liver
  5. Improves eye sight
  6. Beneficial for Prenatal health
  7. Excellent source of Vitamin C
  8. Drinkable Source of Potassium
  9. Loaded with Antioxidants
  10. Excellent Nutritional Supplement for dieters
As mentioned above, I purchased my 100% carrot juice from the store, however, I strongly believe that you will get all of the benefits of a raw carrot, by simply juicing at home.

Juicing is a great way to detoxify your body and feel more energized. For more information on Juicing, check out Dr. Don Colbert's book, Toxic Relief

Warning: If you have kidney disease, you should avoid too much potassium, as it can be harmful to your organs.

With Your Health in Mind,

Source (s):

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

2 Natural Home Remedies For Radiant Looking Skin

Are you ready for more radiant looking skin? Do you want to avoid all those skin products that are loaded with toxins and claim to naturally give you radiant looking skin?

Have you noticed that you skin is aging? Don't worry, your beauty secret just may be in your kitchen!

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, this post is just for you!

Today I want to inspire you to try two all natural Anti-Aging Home remedies that will give your face a glowing and rejuvenated look: Coconut Milk and Avocado!

According to, aging is unavoidable and everyone has to face it sooner or later, but what’s really important is to age gracefully. The first signs of aging appear as fine lines on our face. Here are a few simple home remedies everyone can try out at home to keep facial skin looking fresh, youthful and reduce the signs of aging:


Coconut milk: Can help you get that radiant look of your skin. Take raw coconut and squeeze milk out of it or buy a whole coconut and take the milk of it. Apply this coconut milk on your face and it will give your facial skin a glowing effect.

Avocado mask: Avocado contains a lot of natural oil, as we age our skin become dry, avocado really helps to give you a young and fresh look because of its oily nature. Simply apply either the mash or slices of avocado on your face and your skin will get that rejuvenated look.

For more natural beauty tips, visit

With Natural Health in mind,
Follow on Facebook!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

5 Health Benefits of Lemons

According the Deborah Francis, Author of The Joy of Healthy Living, " lemons contain flavonoids that have antioxidant and anti-cancer properties. While these flavanoids have been shown to stop cell division in many cancer cell lines, they are perhaps most interesting for their antibiotic effects."

In the book, Deborah also shared many health benefits from ingesting lemons and today I am going to share five of those health benefits with you:

  1. Lemons aids in Reducing Blood Pressure. The phytonutrients in the lemons help to control dizziness, nausea and high blood pressure.
  2. Lemons Promote digestion. Lemons alleviate heartburn, constipation, bloating, belching and parasites
  3. Lemons Promote Healthy Gums and Teeth. Lemons help to freshen the breath, reduces tooth aches and cures wounds on the gums.
  4. Lemons help to fight inflections in the throat.
  5. Lemons helps the body to flush out toxins.

Here are some ideas of how to incorporate/ingest lemons on a daily basis:

Drink a glass of room temperature water with fresh lemons every day.


Using lemons for skin care, Read more

Try a Poppy Seed Lemon Cucumber Salad, Read more

With Your health in mind,
Shiketa Morgan

Be sure to get your copy of The Joy of Healthy Living Book! You will enjoy all the health tips in the book.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

My Recent Natural Health & Beauty Findings

I am so excited to share some of my natural health & beauty findings with you! In fact, when I travel, I am on a hunt for natural products!

While I was waiting to get a massage at the Spa Shiki at the Lake of the Ozarks, I decided to check out their Natural Supplements and their Inhalation tubes caught my attention.

In fact, the Inhalation tubes caught my attention because I love aromatherapy and the affects that it has on the body. The inhalation tube that I bought was for mental clarity. All that is required is to simply waive the tube in front of my nose and inhale.

 I decided to purchase the mental clarity inhalation tube because I tend to have very busy days and half way through the day...I can use a Mental BOOST! 

For more information about inhalation, visit

After several hours at the Spa Shiki, we stopped by the Cosmetics Store, because I was on the hunt for some natural skin care products and I discovered that the Cosmetics store sold Origins; my favorite skin care product.

I love Origins products because they are all natural and very gentle on my skin. Moreover, I have very sensitive skin and Origins products seems to be a great match for my skin type. When I was in the Cosmetics store I noticed a trial size kits of Origins White tea facial cleanser and moisturizers.

I decided to give the product a try and I loved it. In fact, my skin was so refreshed after using the cleanser and the moisturizers. Try Origins Today!

My last stop was at the bath and body store. Again I was on the hunt for some all natural beauty products and I discovered the Vanilla Verbena Stress reducing body Wash with essential oils.

After a day of shopping, I took a nice hot bath with the Vanilla Verbena body wash and it was a relaxing experience.

This blog post was not intended to promote any particular product, however, it is intended to inspire you to go natural when shopping for health and beauty products!

I look forward to your feedback about this blog post.

With Natural Living in Mind,

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Lemon Grass Tea is Great For Your Health

Today I was cleaning up my kitchen and I noticed a box of Lemon Grass Tea; I thought I would give it a try. So I boiled some water, soaked my lemon grass tea bag in the hot water, added two teaspoons of liquid agave and a slice of lemon.

That tea was so delicious, that I decided to do a Google search on the health benefits of lemon grass tea and take a look at what I discovered about lemon grass tea;

  • Lemon grass is a diuretic
  • Aids in the detoxification process of the liver, kidneys, bladder, digestive tract, and pancreas
  • Helps kick start the metabolism
  • Relieves symptoms of nausea, menstrual cramps, and skin infections
  • Curing insomnia and calming the body down
  • Aids in weight loss along with many other health benefits

Wow!!! Now that's a lot of health benefits in one cup of tea! If you have not already tried lemon grass tea, I hope that you give it a try soon. It is lemony delicious and great for your health!

To Your Health,


Photo Credit(s):

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Current Studies Suggest That This Tea Lowers Blood Pressure & Cholesterol

Do you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol? If so, you may want to check out Hibiscus Tea.The  Hibiscus tea hails from Nigeria- where hibiscus tea is known to help to cool the body in hot weather. Moreover, Current studies suggest that Hibiscus tea is effective  in maintaining healthy Blood Pressure and Cholesterol levels.

Other health benefits of drinking Hibiscus tea includes:
  • It helps to strengthen the immune system
  • Powerful Antioxidant
  • Includes Anti-Inflammatory Properties &  Mild Anti-bacterial properties
As you can see, there are many health benefits to drinking Hibiscus tea. As always, I thought I would try the tea before I wrote this blog post. So I stopped by the local Whole Foods Store to purchase some Hibiscus tea and it was only $9.99.

The tea was quite delicious. I simply, boiled water, added a hibiscus tea bag to the cup of water, added some lemon and two teaspoons of liquid agave sweetener. I loved the blueberry flavor!

* If you are currently taking medication for blood pressure or high cholesterol, it is suggested that you contact your physician before trying  hibiscus tea. 

See the Health & Wellness Disclaimer for the Natural Living Blog.

To Your Health,

I look forward to reading your thoughts about this post and your thoughts about Hibiscus tea!

Order Your Tea Today!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

5 Super Foods For a Healthy Heart

According to Dr. Don Colbert, "Americans have significantly more heart disease and for one reason alone: the toxic state of the Standard American Diet. What you eat is the single most important factor when it comes to your health. While God created many foods to nourish and protect our bodies, a few stand out when it comes to heart health."

The 5 Super foods that Dr. Colbert believes standout (When it comes to heart health) are as follows:
  • Pomegranate
  • Blueberries
  • Salmon
  • Spinach
  • Walnut
I hope that you have been inspired to incorporate all five of the super foods above, so that you will have a healthier heart and lower your risk of heart disease.

To find out more information about the Super Foods that Dr. Colbert recommends for a healthy heart, read the entire article now, Click here.

To Your Heart Health,
Natural Living 101

Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Natural Way to Drop 10 pounds in 3-Days With Soup!


According to a weight loss discovery in the January 23, 2012 edition of the For Women First Magazine, by consuming the New Basic Slimming Soup twice a day; you could lose up to 10 pounds in as little as 3-days!

I was quite  amazed at this discovery. In fact, I called my husband and told him about the soup, then I asked him to stop at the grocery store on the way home to pick -up the ingredients for this new slimming soup. The soup looks delicious and healthy!

Moreover, the article in the For Women First Magazine, also indicated that if you suffered from: anxiety, fatigue, depression, aches or pains, that you could speed up the weight loss process by adjusting the recipe. Check out the ingredients for the Slimming Soup recipe,click here.

For More Natural Living or Healthy Living Tips, be sure to subscribe to this blog or follow my Fabulous Woman blog.

To Your Health,
You will also find my health tweets @naturaliving101 and on Facebook!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Yoga Poses For Weight Loss

According to Jennifer Livinia, in the article, The Five Best Yoga Poses for Weight loss; "If you're looking to yoga as a way to help you lose weight, know that it's a great piece of your overall fitness plan.

While nothing can replace cardio and strength training, those that turn to yoga for weight loss tend to have more success because yoga helps deal with the internal and external issues that might be contributing to your weight issues."

If your goal is to lose those extra pounds this year, give Yoga a try! It's a great way to calm the mind and work out all of your organs. Today I want to share with you a video that includes Yoga poses that promotes weight loss or a healthy body weight, check it out the 7- minute video below:

Be sure to check out Jennifer's article: The Five Best Yoga Poses for Weightloss.

To Your Health,
Natural Living 101

Health & Well Disclaimer

Monday, January 2, 2012

3 Steps to Developing a Lifestyle that Promotes Weightloss

As I walked through the local grocery store on January 1, 2012, I noticed that the grocery store was advertising a wealth of weightloss products such as: Slim fast, protein bars, weightloss magazines, books and health & wellness drinks.

I thought to myself, I wondered, Why is it that the stores tend to promote weightloss at the beginning of the year? In fact, I believe that, in order to maintain a healthy weight; we must develop a life style that promotes weightloss.

Since 2006, I have bought many weightloss books and I have discovered many secrets to losing weight. Today, I am going to share with you 3 easy and natural ways to maintain a healthy body weight:

  1. Upon waking up in the morning, drink a glass of room temperature water. Drinking water upon waking up in the morning increases your metabolism, increases your energy and it promotes weightloss.
  2. Drink Green tea on a Daily basis. Studies show that Green Tea Consumption Enhances Exercise-Induced Abdominal Fat Loss in Overweight and Obese Adults.
  3. Walking. God gave us two legs so that we can move our bodies. Moreover, walking is the most natural way to maintain a healthy body weight. Also, it's not a very strenuous exercise and it also reduces your stress level. If you are not an outdoors person, buy a treadmill. Whatever you decide to do, walk at least 30minutes to 1-hour a day!

More Weightloss tips to come throughout the month of January. In fact, This month's theme is to inspire you to create a lifestyle that promotes a healthy weight..the Natural Way!

To  a Healthy New Year!


Shiketa Morgan, Editor in Chief
Follow on Twitter @naturaliving101

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