As I walked through the local grocery store on January 1, 2012, I noticed that the grocery store was advertising a wealth of weightloss products such as: Slim fast, protein bars, weightloss magazines, books and health & wellness drinks.
I thought to myself, I wondered, Why is it that the stores tend to promote weightloss at the beginning of the year? In fact, I believe that, in order to maintain a healthy weight; we must develop a life style that promotes weightloss.
Since 2006, I have bought many weightloss books and I have discovered many secrets to losing weight. Today, I am going to share with you 3 easy and natural ways to maintain a healthy body weight:
- Upon waking up in the morning, drink a glass of room temperature water. Drinking water upon waking up in the morning increases your metabolism, increases your energy and it promotes weightloss.
- Drink Green tea on a Daily basis. Studies show that Green Tea Consumption Enhances Exercise-Induced Abdominal Fat Loss in Overweight and Obese Adults.
- Walking. God gave us two legs so that we can move our bodies. Moreover, walking is the most natural way to maintain a healthy body weight. Also, it's not a very strenuous exercise and it also reduces your stress level. If you are not an outdoors person, buy a treadmill. Whatever you decide to do, walk at least 30minutes to 1-hour a day!
More Weightloss tips to come throughout the month of January. In fact, This month's theme is to inspire you to create a lifestyle that promotes a healthy weight..the Natural Way!
To a Healthy New Year!

Shiketa Morgan, Editor in Chief
Follow on Twitter @naturaliving101
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