Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Natural Way to Drop 10 pounds in 3-Days With Soup!


According to a weight loss discovery in the January 23, 2012 edition of the For Women First Magazine, by consuming the New Basic Slimming Soup twice a day; you could lose up to 10 pounds in as little as 3-days!

I was quite  amazed at this discovery. In fact, I called my husband and told him about the soup, then I asked him to stop at the grocery store on the way home to pick -up the ingredients for this new slimming soup. The soup looks delicious and healthy!

Moreover, the article in the For Women First Magazine, also indicated that if you suffered from: anxiety, fatigue, depression, aches or pains, that you could speed up the weight loss process by adjusting the recipe. Check out the ingredients for the Slimming Soup recipe,click here.

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To Your Health,
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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Yoga Poses For Weight Loss

According to Jennifer Livinia, in the article, The Five Best Yoga Poses for Weight loss; "If you're looking to yoga as a way to help you lose weight, know that it's a great piece of your overall fitness plan.

While nothing can replace cardio and strength training, those that turn to yoga for weight loss tend to have more success because yoga helps deal with the internal and external issues that might be contributing to your weight issues."

If your goal is to lose those extra pounds this year, give Yoga a try! It's a great way to calm the mind and work out all of your organs. Today I want to share with you a video that includes Yoga poses that promotes weight loss or a healthy body weight, check it out the 7- minute video below:

Be sure to check out Jennifer's article: The Five Best Yoga Poses for Weightloss.

To Your Health,
Natural Living 101

Health & Well Disclaimer

Monday, January 2, 2012

3 Steps to Developing a Lifestyle that Promotes Weightloss

As I walked through the local grocery store on January 1, 2012, I noticed that the grocery store was advertising a wealth of weightloss products such as: Slim fast, protein bars, weightloss magazines, books and health & wellness drinks.

I thought to myself, I wondered, Why is it that the stores tend to promote weightloss at the beginning of the year? In fact, I believe that, in order to maintain a healthy weight; we must develop a life style that promotes weightloss.

Since 2006, I have bought many weightloss books and I have discovered many secrets to losing weight. Today, I am going to share with you 3 easy and natural ways to maintain a healthy body weight:

  1. Upon waking up in the morning, drink a glass of room temperature water. Drinking water upon waking up in the morning increases your metabolism, increases your energy and it promotes weightloss.
  2. Drink Green tea on a Daily basis. Studies show that Green Tea Consumption Enhances Exercise-Induced Abdominal Fat Loss in Overweight and Obese Adults.
  3. Walking. God gave us two legs so that we can move our bodies. Moreover, walking is the most natural way to maintain a healthy body weight. Also, it's not a very strenuous exercise and it also reduces your stress level. If you are not an outdoors person, buy a treadmill. Whatever you decide to do, walk at least 30minutes to 1-hour a day!

More Weightloss tips to come throughout the month of January. In fact, This month's theme is to inspire you to create a lifestyle that promotes a healthy weight..the Natural Way!

To  a Healthy New Year!


Shiketa Morgan, Editor in Chief
Follow on Twitter @naturaliving101

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