My name is Shiketa and I am the author of the Natural Living 101 blog. I love to read about and explore natural ways of living.
I developed a passion for natural living in 2009 after reading Kevin Trudeau's Book, "The Natural Cures They don't want us to know about."
After reading Kevin's book I made threw away the regular milk and bought organic milk; added filters to my shower heads; started drinking spring water; I fell in love with herbal teas and I started this blog!
Some of my favorite topics that you will read about on this blog, includes:
- Natural Stress Busters
- Herbal Teas
- Gardening
- Organic Living
- Healthy Eating
- Natural Cleaning Supplies
- Natural Skin Care
- Natural Weight loss Tips
- Whole Foods
- Yoga & Meditation
- All Natural Supplements
- Natural Remedies for Common Ailments
However, in most cases, poor diet choices or simply living an un-healthy life style could eventually lead one to being on medication. This is why it is vital that you develop a healthy life style.
I must say that my doctor respects the fact that I choose holistic health. Yes, I get a physical once a year and my doctor knows that I choose to take whole food supplements and eat healthy to keep the medicine away.
Furthermore, I only take medication when necessary. In fact, I will only take medication if it is a life or death situation. I say this because many of the drugs have side effects. Have you ever seen a commercial about a drug and then at the end of the commercial, the side effects are warnings are announced.
The Natural Way has always been popular, however, be sure to visit your doctor once a year, because doctors have the ability & the knowledge to confirm the status of your health.
My goal for this blog is to share my natural living findings and inspire you to have abundant health the natural way. I invite you to subscribe to the blog and be sure to leave me your comments and blog suggestions below.
I wish you and your family a very healthy and prosperous life!