Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Yoga Poses For Weight Loss

According to Jennifer Livinia, in the article, The Five Best Yoga Poses for Weight loss; "If you're looking to yoga as a way to help you lose weight, know that it's a great piece of your overall fitness plan.

While nothing can replace cardio and strength training, those that turn to yoga for weight loss tend to have more success because yoga helps deal with the internal and external issues that might be contributing to your weight issues."

If your goal is to lose those extra pounds this year, give Yoga a try! It's a great way to calm the mind and work out all of your organs. Today I want to share with you a video that includes Yoga poses that promotes weight loss or a healthy body weight, check it out the 7- minute video below:

Be sure to check out Jennifer's article: The Five Best Yoga Poses for Weightloss.

To Your Health,
Natural Living 101

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  1. Good informative article. I am quite clued up on healthy eating but there were a few tips here that I didn't know about and will certainly be trying out. Thanks

  2. Regular yoga exercises provide health benefits. Yoga poses help in losing weight and don’t wreck your healthy mind. Yoga exercises keep our mind fresh and tension free. After doing yoga, one feels refreshed in the morning and the bowel movement is proper. Thanks a lot.


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