I am entering into the second week of a major diet change as I write this blog post. Several weeks before writing this post, I noticed some extra belly fat and I thought it was time to monitor my diet closely.
So, I decided to do implement some natural weight loss remedies including:
- drinking lots of herbal teas
- walking daily
- increasing my intake of water
- reducing the amount of starchy foods that I consumed
- 1 tsp of coconut oil
- Apple cider vinegar and many other remedies
Several days before writing this blog post, I decided to go purchase a copy of the book, The China Study. My Juice Plus sponsor recommended that I purchase a copy of the book, because she knew that I loved reading about health & wellness.
One year later I decided to purchase the book and it is hard for me to put the book down. In fact, this book has changed the way that I look at food. In the introduction of the book, the author wrote:
"You deserve to know that many of the common notions
you have been told about food, health and disease are wrong."
Just in case you are wondering why we should believe the author of this book; you must know that the author has over 50 years of experience in research, policy making and deciding which research gets funded and translating massive amounts of scientific research into national expert panel reports.
Moreover, The China Study book has over 750 references that point to ways to less cancer, less heart disease, fewer strokes, less obesity less autoimmune systems disease, less osteoporosis, less Alzheimer's, less kidney stones and less blindness.
The authors of the China Study, T Colin Campbell and Thomas M. Campbell II, believes that there are many things that we must do to lower our cholesterol levels and to lose weight; they are as follows:
- Stop Eating Eggs
- Avoid foods that are high in Animal Fat such as: "meat"
- Eat a plant based diet
- Consume more whole foods (whole grains, fruits & vegetables)
- Avoid dairy products (with the exception of plant based milk)
"Studies show that those who follow a whole foods,
low-fat, plant based diet consume fewer calories
and they weigh less that meat-eating counterparts."
The list above is simply a small overview of what the authors of the book recommends to reduce the risk of heart disease, strokes or even cancer. You are probably thinking, it sounds like I need to become a vegan or a vegetarian.
Call it what you want, however, if you want to lower your cholesterol, lose weight, lower your risk of a heart attack; you must eat a low fat diet, eat more whole foods and cut the foods the foods high in animal fat.
I inspire you to pick up a copy of the China Study today. I am still reading the book and have already made changes in my diet to lower my cholesterol and lose those unwanted pounds. Since I've started reading the book, I have consumed more whole foods, and not eaten any eat meat since Monday August 29, 2011.
It was easy for me to make the change, because I was diagnosed with high cholesterol at the at of 24 and my doctor told me that it can be reversed with a healthy diet and exercise. I decided to choose a healthy diet over taking cholesterol lowering drugs. Thirteen years later, I am determined to enter into my forties with vibrant health.
As I continue to experiement with the variety of plant based foods, I will follow-up with another blog post, until then, go out and get your copy of the China Study.
Have a Healthy Day!
really very informative stuff about diet..it really interests me..thanks for sharing..