Thursday, December 31, 2009

Boost your Immune System with Eucalyptus Essential Oil

During the winter months, your immune system needs a lot of care and support. The cleansing properties of eucalyptus esential oils will lift your immune system. Moreover, The aroma from Eucalyptus oil will clear a stuffy nose and lift your spirits. Try it!

Furthermore, the aroma of Eucalyptus essential Oils eases head congestion and soothes a cough.

Here is a 10 minute Exercise that will build your immune system and and lift your spirits:

Step 1. Boil 4 pints of water and pour into a heat proof bowl.
Step 2. Add 4 drops of eucalyptus essential oil to the water.
Step 3. Lean over the bowl with your head under a large towel and inhale the steam for 10 minutes. (ahhhhhhh soothing)

For a on the go immune boost, put 2 drops of Eucalyptus Oil on a facial tissue and inale at anytime.

Your Natural Way of Living Source
Natural Living 101
Shiketa Morgan

Source: (2005) Harding, Jenny. "Ten Minute Relaxation for Mind & Body"
 Ten Minute Relaxation for Mind & Body will provide you with a wealth of Relaxation & Wellness tips!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Safflower Oils helps To Reduce Fat in the Abdominal Area

Study shows that linoleic acid in safflower oil reduces fat in the abdominal area!

According to The Ohio State research news, "16 weeks of supplementation with safflower oil reduced fat in the trunk area, lowered blood sugar and increased muscle tissue in the women participants."

Moreover, the December 2009 Delicious Living Magazine desribed the results of taking  Safflower Oil and they are as follows:

1. Lowered Blood sugar
2.Increased Muscle Tissue
3.Reduced total Body Fat and body mass index (BMI)
4. Reduced fat in the abdominal area

I browsed the web to look for great ways to use safflower oil. Check out these great recipes at Whole Foods Store .

Go get your Safflower Oil Today and start burning un-wanted Fat! Be sure to post your comments about this blog and share it with others!

With Your Natural Health & Wellness in Mind!
Natural Living 101
Shiketa Morgan

Delicious Magazine, December 2009 Edition pg ,14

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Go Green at Work!

According to Energy Star, "The steps that you take at work or in your office to save energy can make a difference in the fight against global warming."
Moreover, many organizations all over the world are working with the EPA to improve the energy performance of the buildings where we shop, work, play, learn and eat. You can Help Too!!

Here are Five ways that you can be Green at work or in your office and start saving energy:

1. During the daylight hours in the winter months, open the blinds in your office or work space to let in the heat from the sun; in the summer, close the blinds to to keep out the heat of the Summer Sun.

2. Enable your power management settings on your computer so that when it is not in use, it goes to a low power mode.

3. Talk with your supervisor or staff about creating a green team to help make the company become energy efficient.

4. Are thermostats set to where they automatically adjust temperatures in the building, so energy is not wasted to cool or warm the building.

5. Having a copier with combined capabilities such as; fax, copy, print and scanner saves energy and space.

For more tips on how to Go Green at work or office, check out the vitual office link created by Energy Star: Be sure to share these tips with your employer, employees or staff to assure that your office building or work place is going green!

Thanks for visiting the Natural Living 101 Blog. Please post your comments.

Let's Go Green!
Shiketa Morgan


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Exercise Refreshes Your Body!

"Exercise Refreshes your Body, renews your energy and gives you strength."~ Don Colbert, M.D.

Everyday I take a whole food supplement, drink plenty of water, eat healthy foods, but lately I have not been exercising on a regular basis. During this past week, I began to feel sluggish and this caused me to reflect on my daily routine. There was one thing missing, "EXERCISE." So, I decided to work on incorporating a regular time during the week for exercise on my Mini-Jogger Trampoline. Now, I am feeling good again because I have been moving my body!

Dr. Don Colbert describes what happens to our bodies in his book, Seven Pillars of Health," when we do not excercise.  Dr. Colbert wrote:"Think of what happens when water sits for a long time in a cup, puddle or pond. It eventually gets covered with slime and gunk, breeds disease and becomes toxic."

Wow! That’s enough information for me to exercise on a regular basis, because I do not want my body to be a breeding ground for gunk, disease or toxins. Furthermore, I love the refreshing feeling I get after exercising along with eating healthy foods, taking whole food supplements, getting plenty of rest and drinking plenty of water.

If you do not know where to start, start by taking walks everyday, get a gym membership, purchase a treadmill or buy a trampoline. It's time to Get Moving! Your health depends on it!

With your Health & Wellness in Mind!
Shiketa Morgan
For information about whole food supplements, please email me at:

Source: (2007) Colbert Don, M.D. Seven Pillars of Health
Check out his website at

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