According to the Organic Consumers Association, a new report revealed that virtually every cosmetic product tested contained a potentially dangerous or proven toxic heavy metal.
Lead and arsenic aren't listed among the ingredients of lip gloss and eyeliner. However, Environmental Defence, a Canadian environmental group tested dozens of common cosmetics products and found that virtually all of them were contaminated with heavy metals.
The environmental defense tested 49 cosmetic products including: powders, concealers, mascaras, eyeliners, lipsticks and glosses. Ninety six percent of the products contained lead and many other heavy metals.
After being a beauty consultant for two years, I decided to only use all natural skin care and cosmetics to reduce the amount of toxins that are absorbed in my body. As a beauty consultant, I wanted to become very knowledgeable about the products that I sold.
Moreover, after much research on the products that I was selling, I was not happy to discover that the products contained ingredients that were virtually toxic to my customers skin. Furthermore, it was a tough decision, but I decided to promote and only use all natural skin care products.
Check out my latest article, Your Lotions may be causing harm to your body. Read all about heavy metals on the United States Department of Labor website.
To your health & wellness,
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