Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Paris Aims to Boost the Image of Tap Water and Reduce Waste

On December 16, 2010, I received a direct message from a twitter follower about sparkling water in Paris. As I proceeded to read the article, I was so impressed to see a child filling a bottle water container with sparking water from a public water fountain. I thought that was .....State of the Art Eco-Friendly Living!

According to Earth Policy Institute, French are the world's eight biggest consumer of bottle water. In fact, Paris generated over 262,000 tons of plastic waste a year and making the bottles consumed over 4.5 million barrels of crude oil.

Parisians can now get sparkling water from their public water fountains, free of charge. The new public fountains were installed by local authorities, which aims to wean consumers of bottled water. ~Vicky Buffery/Reuters

The publicly owned water company, Eau de Paris reports that the water fountains injects carbon dioxide into drinking water to make it bubbly and chills the water before delivering it to the consumer. Phillip Burguiere, a spokes person for Eau de Paris Company said, "Our aim is to boost the image of Paris tap water. Moreover, we want to show that we're proud of it, that it's totally safe, and that it's ecological as there's no oil involved, no waste and no packaging."

In America we currently do not have water fountains that deliver sparkling water, but there are ways that we can also reduce waste from bottle water including:
  • Buy water filters for our home or business faucets
  • Buy Gallons of Spring water and drink water from a re-usable mug or cup
How do you think that we can reduce plastic waste and/or boost the image of tap water in the United States?

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