Saturday, January 17, 2009

Four Natural Ways to cleanse your liver

Cleansing your liver by eating fruits and vegetables will increase your metabolism, improve your digestion and smooth celulite, according to the January 26, 2009 issue of First Healthy living Magazine. On pg 29 of the issue, there was a sidebar that listed ways to cleanse the liver and indications that the liver need to be cleansed.

Here are several indications mentioned in the magzine that your liver need to be cleansed and they are as follows:

  • Bad morning breath
  • Mood swings
  • Weekly headaches
  • Feeling forgetful or unfocused
  • Dull- brittle hair
  • Indigestion or bloating after meals
The four recommened ways to cleanse your liver are:

Lemons: Lemons break down fat trapping toxins in the Liver. A great way to assure that you break down fat trapping toxis is by squezzing half of a lemon in a cup of tea or water.

Canberries:Drink a daily glass of cranberry juice will help to rid the body of cullulite in as littles as 3 weeks!

Leafy Greens:
Leafy vegetables contain a plant pigment that netralizes liver toxins called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll also helps the liver burn fat and flush excess water weight. The following veggies are loaded with Chlorophyll: Kale, spinach and swiss chard.

Red Grapes:Eating one cup of red grapes or by drinking 1 cup a day of grape juice will help the liver burn fat by 25%.

Source: First (Healthy Living Made easy), Janury 26, 2009 issue

I've tried all four and it really works!

Happy Healthy Living!
Shiketa Morgan

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