Friday, October 21, 2011

The Healthiest Tea To Drink

Green tea is probably the healthiest choice given its myriad of benefits, according to Dr. Don Colbert. Moreover, green tea has been shown to support healthy weight control by reducing the amount of fat absorbed by the body and increasing fat oxidation, or breakdown.

According to a recent study, at Penn State University, green tea reduces the body's ability to absorb fat as well as increases the body’s ability to burn fat and many other health benefits. 

Moreover, green tea happens to be one of my favorite teas and I have experienced first hand, the effects of drinking green tea, including: weight loss and a increase in energy. 

Just in case you are wondering if it is best to drink green tea hot or cold, I think either way; green tea has positive effects on your health.

Be careful not to buy green teas that contain corn fructose syrup. The best kind of tea to buy is  green tea bags or leaves. If you do not have time to brew your tea, Trader Joes sells an UN-sweetened blue berry flavored green tea in a glass bottle.

For a more enjoyable cup of tea, add 2 lemon slices to your tea along with 1-2 teaspoons of liquid agave or raw sugar. It is best to drink green tea in the morning or mid-day. I tried drinking green tea in the evening and I was energized.

I hope that you have been inspired to drink more green tea. For more health benefits of drinking green tea, read Dr. Colbert's Divine Health article, click here.

With Your Health in Mind
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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Too Much Meat Could Be Clogging Your Arteries


According to the United States Department of Agriculture, we consume significantly more meat and added fat than we did thirty years ago. Moreover, in modern day America, high blood pressure and high cholesterol are common household terms.

The truth is, high blood pressure and high cholesterol are not a new issue. In fact, Dr. Morrison of Los Angeles conducted a study in 1946 to determine the relationship of dietary fat intake to the incidence of atherosclerosis. In his experimental group he reduced the consumption of fat and cholesterol by requiring that his participants eat only a small amount of meat, also limiting butter, eggs and milk.

Dr. Morrison study concluded that, the more animal protein you eat, the more heart disease you have. In addition to this finding, he discovered, plant protein dramatically lowers cholesterol levels.

In recent history, A fourty-four year old man found himself with heart disease. He decided to take part in Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr study (a surgeon and named one of the best Doctors in America in 1994-1995).

After thirty-two months, without any cholesterol lowering medications, he reversed his heart disease and lowered his blood cholesterol to 89 mg/dl. In addition to that good news, with whole foods and a plant based diet; his clogged arteries opened up, allowing more normal blood flow. 

If you are a meat lover and need some ideas for plant based proteins, check out the articles below:

 Do you know someone with high blood pressure or high cholesterol? If so, please feel free to share this blog post with them.

~Source for this post: The China Study

Saturday, October 1, 2011

7 Raw Foods That Are Good For You And Your Baby

Are your pregnant? Do you desire to have a child? Is so, there are seven foods that are rich in Folic acid  or Folate that you must incorporate into your diet.

According to Raw Food, Folic Acid is an important B vitamin that has been shown to reduce brain and spinal cord defects-which usually happen in the first 28 days of pregnancy so if you are actively trying to get pregnant it would be good for you to start your folate intake early.

Moreover, Folic Acid  also plays a large role in the development of DNA and really should be consumed by all child bearing women. When I was pregnant with my both of my children, my doctor gave me a prescription for folic acid to prevent me from becoming anemic.

My husband and I do not plan on having any more children, however, if we were, I would load up on the following Folate Rich Foods, to assure a healthy baby:

  1. Avocado
  2. Beets
  3. Oranges
  4. Dates
  5. Grape Fruits
  6. Banana
  7. Apricots
To read more about the benefits of eating the raw foods that are listed in this blog post or to find out more about a raw food diet for your family, check out the following article: Pregnancy and 7 Ways to get Folic Acid On a Raw Vegan Diet.

With your health & wellness in mind,


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